Cliché Highway
28 August 2019
It's a prison film with all the annoying clichés you can think of. Richard Dix (Duke) is top dog and planning his escape. Actually, he's carrying it out when he spots his younger brother Tom Brown (Johnny) in the jail and decides to stay behind to look after him. How nice of him. But how annoying. The relationship between the two brothers just continues in this annoying way with younger brother giving out hero worship to his big brother whilst big brother is dragged back by an unconditional love to help his younger brother. Yawn. Just let them get on with things without all this brother namby-pamby stuff. Anyway, the prison conditions are harsh and we get some black prisoners in fine voice singing their way through their sufferance in perfect harmony. Very nice to listen to but a bit racist. There is a jailbreak, strict wardens and all the usual stuff. Rochelle Hudson is second billed - God knows why. I can only remember her in one scene and I'm not sure she even said anything. She must have been boning the director. Still, it's an ok film and gets the ok as it was probably one of the first films to portray this type of story. It's just a bit predictable these days.
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