Review of Prey

The Walking Dead: Prey (2013)
Season 3, Episode 14
This episode was supposed to be the end for that damned governor guy. Sadly, it wasn't.
30 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is where I hate that governor guy. At the same time, I hate Andrea for not killing him when she had a chance in the bed. And also I hate that guy who stopped her when she tried to kill him. Now, she is in trouble. Still, I want her to be safe and I hope she could escape from him somehow.

I still can't believe that governor guy survived from all of those zombies. Bad guys don't die, do they? I really hoped that he died there. Sadly, he survived. That's indeed really a bad thing of this episode.

I really don't like to see those two people (big blacky guy and girl) are blind. That big blacky guy should have left those two (father and son). Those two seems to be very bad anyway. And I also don't like to see they didn't believe Andrea who told them the truth and trust that governor? I want to see what that action would bring to them.

That being said, it's so good to see Andrea's leaving Woodbury. She should have done that a long time ago. It's a little bit late now. 😒 If she left sooner, she would be free.

All in all, this episode is all just about Andrea trying to get to the prison. But sadly, she failed. That governor guy was supposed to be dead but they let him alive anyway. That's what I don't like the most. Still, I want to see what happens next. The walking dead series really keeps me continue to the next episodes. Totally love it!
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