Sex and poltergeists!
18 September 2019
After fighting off an unusual pairing of a vampire and a demon, Buffy and Riley agree that they must tell Giles... but not until they've enjoyed a night of passion. It seems the pair can't keep off each other! Meanwhile Anya seems to be having the opposite problem as she fears Xander is losing interest after one night without sex! Things get strange when the gang attend a party Lowell House, the fraternity house above the Initiative's base. Buffy and Riley find a bedroom while others start to get strong urges and see ghostly apparitions before the house seems to come alive. The gang must find Giles and discover what is behind the events.

This was a fun episode; for once Buffy's role was relatively small leaving others to solve this problem. While nobody was killed there were some scary moments... at one point a main character has a tendril impale her right through her hand and another character is almost drowned. There is a lot of TV friendly sex and sex talk which might surprise some viewers... it is also likely to cause some laughs; notably a scene where Anya and Xander discuss their sex lives in an ice cream van not realising a queue is building up. Away from the scares there is fun to be had when Xander, Willow, Tara and Anya go to find Giles and find him singing The Who's 'Behind Blue Eyes' and it appears that Willow and Tara are continuing to grow closer. Overall this might not be a classic episode but I still enjoyed it.
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