Review of Gears 5

Gears 5 (2019 Video Game)
Fairly average; boundaries could've been pushed
24 September 2019
Gears 5 has a few surprises and the story is expanded on through item descriptions. The combat is solid, with weapon variety and the ability to upgrade your AI support (Jack). The graphics are nice as well, although any long-term gamer should know that doesn't mean much.

Unfortunately, Gears 5 doesn't push the boundaries of the genre in any regard. A lot of action sequences and features were simply replicated from other action shooters, enemy AI is a bit dumb, it's almost impossible to die because of the revival system, and the progression is very predictable.

Go to a location, complete a chore, enemies appear, shoot them, and repeat. The "dropship waves" tactic has been implemented in many games since the early 2000s. Some parts of the progression are so absurdly chaotic you might think you're watching an Avengers movie: "What the hell is happening right now?" Other moments are so drawn-out and dull you'll wish you were playing another game.

Gears 5 is far too long for its own good. This is primarily due to the sheer repetition and the (mostly unrewarding) skiff exploration sections. However, the second act is narratively strong and has a decent amount of gameplay variety to support it. The final chapters pick up in intensity as well, although there's one major plot sequence which is totally illogical and involves making a choice between sparing one character or another.

With the story in particular, more character development and overall depth could have made this game so much better. Why did JD change, and then change back to who he was? What made Kait suddenly become a leader? What are the philosophical implications of the human-Locust hybrids? Are the Locust really just mindless, animalistic creatures? Couldn't we get some more perspective of the war from the Locust's side? Tell us more about the research of Niles, the red sands of Vasgar, or what's currently going on with the COG besides Delta and Jinn. After 13 years, the writers should really start committing to fleshing out the lore because it has so much potential.

Multiplayer is also okay - doesn't necessarily stand out but isn't bad. It's more of the same we've all seen before.
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