HaHa - what a pathetic show - how embarressing for all taking part!
26 September 2019
What a complete piece of garbage! I can still smell the putrid stink from this rotten carcass of programming someone without any credibility has defined as entertainment. This show features four absolute has-been/never-been no talent hacks "judging" masked has-been/never-been "celebrity" "singers". In the 1970's and even 80s Australian TV was cutting edge, experimental and genuinely entertaining. Now it's just absolute garbage devised by people that wouldn't get a job in the seventies because the people back then actually had TALENT. The creme of talent used to rise to the top. Now the "talent" are manufactured "celebrities" recruited from a pool of "look at me! look at me!" no talents with the right connections- you know what I mean - wink wink - sshhh. RIP Australian free to air TV.
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