Emotional Rollercoaster
1 October 2019
So at this college I go to where we party a lot occasionally I also go to classes and my dumb non muscular history teacher was teaching us about a dude called Icarus who had wax wings or some dumb stuff like that, only wings I like are the ones my red bull and vodka give me, but in any case. He had wax wings and flew too close to the sun and fell into the sea and died.

Thats kinda what I felt like when playing this hit game when I wasn't throwing parties and pounding brewskis with my bros. Got like so far man, like so far and like the last piece of the puzzle where this cool (but not muscular) chimney dude was puffing phat clouds.

Like so disappointing, all my bros were cheering me on as we did the puzzle together, and like, yeah, couldnt finish it.

Other than that the game was a 10/10 like the girl I met last night, whoo mumma.

Anyway pretty frickin tight game. If you, like me, can only make a small amount of spare time in between gym and parties, pick this title up. Its sick

Sincerely, Jaylan Bratt
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