Review of London Spy

London Spy (2015)
Create vision and acting spoiled by flawed story
11 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I completely agree with markfranh's review. A great (though very slow) first few episodes which degenerates into the cliché "OMG the intelligence agencies can get to everyone everywhere anytime" plot. Danny, a young lonely former drug-user meets and falls in love with Alex, a shy mathematical genius who, it turns out (THIS IS NOT A SPOILER BECAUSE IT'S IN THE TITLE OF THE SERIES) is a spy. Of course we're immediately wondering what use an unsociable maths savant would be to the intelligence service. The obvious answer would be in relation to cryptography.


When Alex is killed and Danny is framed as the killer the first assumption would be that he found some mathematical way to crack the most secure codes leading to a decision by not one, but almost all, of the world's spy agencies to get rid of him. Instead it turns out to be an advanced polygraph system that can tell whether anyone is lying - the very thing that spy agencies would WANT. They even use his own program against him thus proving it works. So why would they want to get rid of it? There's no logic in the plot.

The rest of the series is basically Danny's efforts to clear his name and expose the truth about Alex's death, which he cannot do because the spy agencies control the police, the press, the Internet and even the mail so his emails are censored, documents sent to the newspapers are returned unopened etc. In other words, it's the old familiar Three Days of the Condor - Enemy of the State situation where the secret agencies magically control everything. (It's never explained why they don't just kill him.) The whole plot is complicated by unnecessary and often unexplained plot twists which often go nowhere, and in the end we see Danny, and Alex's foster-mother (a psychopath who suddenly goes through an inexplicable personality change) declaring that, although they'll probably be killed, they're still going to try and tell the truth. Great visual quality and acting let down by terrible plotting.
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