Single Parents (2018–2020)
Sophomore Slump
14 October 2019
This was one of my favorite shows during Season 1. Cool adult characters, precocious kids, and outrageous plots any parent could identify with. All the personalities were exaggerated, sort of like The Office or Married With Children, but with such a large ensemble cast, and a quick tempo, it fast cut from punchline to punchline without anyone getting to cloying.

I don't know what's happened in Season 2. New writers? Other than the great Brad Garrett, the adults have morphed into millennial caricatures. Easily triggered, with childlike outlooks and painful to watch.

The plots are profoundly humorless, and the children have become these Yoda-like creatures, schooling their moronic parents. In Season 1, they had flashes of this, just enough to be funny, but they were still children.

I'm giving it 1 or 2 more weeks to see if it can jump back over the shark, other wise it's off the TiVo.
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