Lacks bite
15 October 2019
A large part of me was fascinated into seeing 'Bullets, Fangs and Dinner at 8' by the catchy title alone, hard not to resist a film with a title like that. Have a high appreciation for comedy (have always tried to like all the different types of it) and also have a high appreciation for horror (again trying not to have a certain preference for how to do horror and dismiss any other way), with there being numerous examples of comedy and horror together in the same film done (very) well.

It does regret me to say this, as someone who tries to be encouraging and doesn't actually like being critical, but 'Bullets, Fangs and Dinner at 8' just didn't work for me on the whole. There are far worse films out there, of comedy individually, of horror individually and films that combine both genres together. Although this combination has been done well numerous times, there have been just as many other times that combine them badly and 'Bullets, Fangs and Dinner at 8' is one of them. Great title, decent concept, bad execution.

There are a few unsettling moments that raise 'Bullets, Fangs and Dinner at 8' up a point, but they are too far and between.

On the most part, the comedy doesn't work. It just comes over as limp in timing, over-worked to an over-the-top degree that it feels forced, the sharp bite and wit just aren't there and never is it remotely amusing, let alone funny (anything that is is all unintentional). The film fails in the horror too, the lack of tension and suspense take away from any creepiness as does the dreary pacing, over-silliness, the gratuitous overuse of CGI blood and excessive predictability. The vampires are not scary at all and come over as rather goofy to unintentional humour degree.

'Bullets, Fangs and Dinner at 8' is riddled with cheese and awkwardness and the photography is amteur hour level. None of the characters are worth engaging with, the direction has no real focus and tries to do too much and the acting is a bad mix of camp and robotic.

Concluding, one film that is nowhere near close to being as interesting as its title. 2/10
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