Torn Curtain (1966)
This is a good movie for that ERA! Solid 7 Stars!
18 October 2019
I've only just begin watching a bunch of Alfred Hitchcock's movies recently. I've seen 'The Birds' a long time ago at an outdoor viewing venue in San Diego during the Halloween season. That was my first Hitchcock movie and that was in the early 2000's. Here it is 2019 and I've just watched a few more considering Starz is showing quite a few of them until April 2020. I first watched Shadow of a Doubt and so far, that one was the best I've seen of his movies. Shadow of a Doubt was appropriately titled and it had a pretty cool finale. Then I watched Frenzy and I thought it was quite stupid, but still good during that era. I could understand the way it was titled. Then I watched this one, 'Torn Curtain' and it held my attention all the way through the end because it was just that kind of movie where you were always wondering just how many twists and turns could happen and how it would turn out for the couple. I don't know how the title came about for Hitchcock though, unless it has something to do with the theatre show toward the end. All the events seemed quite coincidental and had that 'oh my, now what's gonna happen' sort of coincidence, but it was still holding my interest because it involved a couple. I really don't know how they did some of the things they did in this movie because they sure fooled me. And the farm stuff that took place afterwards, would not have taken place on the property. It was way too obvious. Just kind of silly for today's take on movies with so much more depth. i gave it 7 stars for holding my attention. It is worth at least one viewing for sure.
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