Gasbag had to revise many bogus claims from "Gasland I" and the result is even more nonsense. And Russian troll farms are supporting Gaslands claims.
22 October 2019
Firstly watch the award winning documentary "Fracknation" which blew apart the many falsehoods in "Gasland." The complete nonsense and lies in Gasland were so exposed that the maker had to make this new version "Gasland II" which drops some of the lies in the original but then adds others.

It is a stone cold and well documented FACT that people in areas where there are gas and oil deposits have been seeing fires in faucets since the 1700's. This has been happening with well water in Colorado, NY, or Pennsylvania before there was any oil or gas drilling of any kind in the USA. Fires occurred in bucket based wells, and when pump faucets were added to water wells in the 1700's people saw fired ignite in those faucets. To use this image as a criticism of fracking is complete BS.

Gasland II is almost as bad as Matt Damon's "Promised Land" whihc it turns out was almost fully funded by....The United Arab Emirates" which of course wants the US and Europe to be dependent on natural gas from the Middle East. (Think that is a hoax clam? Google "Promised Land" and "UAE" and find the NYTimes and USA Today articles investigating exposing the shell companies that turn out to be behind Matt Damon's production.

Take a read of The Guardian's articl:e "Russia 'secretly working with environmentalists to oppose fracking." Or the Washington Post "Russian trolls sought to inflame debate over climate change, fracking and Dakota pipeline" which show the Russians have spent tens of millions pushing the anti fracking meme and working with gasbags who oppose fracking and are doing Putins work for him.
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