Look what they did with our favourite storyline
25 October 2019
Flashpoint paradox is very common storyline of DC. If you ask our speedster hero Flash about changing one thing from his past, what would it be? I think you know. That's preventing the death of his mother Nora Allen. Flashpoint paradox story generally revolts around the consequences that Flash brings to this reality when he decides to step up, time travels and finally saves his mom.

This movie took a different angle on how the world changed after Flash creates the paradox. It also showed that every decision we take have much bigger impact than we think. The movie circulates around how Flash reacts to this new world and what length he have to go to reverse the really from destroying the world.

The movie is well made. The 'war-themed' movie is graphical and story was well written. Character development is interesting. Musical score gave good feel while you watch the story unfolding. It is good movie. Action sequence was kinda dull but then again it is more of a drama than action so that is easily forgivable. Also if you prefer traditional Justice league squad and are a Superman fanboy, then may be this movie is not for you.

👍 Different angle of a common storyline - Well wirtten character development - Good musical score - Good written drama 👎 Dull action sequence
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