It's a massacre alright
5 November 2019
The concept was sort of intriguing, although it was clear from the get go even from reading the concept, looking at the advertising and even the title itself what tone 'Mother's Day Massacre' was going to take. And that it was definitely going to be a film that would amuse some and disgust many others, and be a film to not expect too much from. Saw it with an open mind and with the absolute intent to not take it too seriously, that is the honest truth.

'Mother's Day Massacre' just didn't do anything for me and didn't enjoy a single moment really one bit. Have seen worse films, comedy, horror, films combining both and overall, and it was not completely irredeemable, but that didn't stop 'Mother's Day Massacre' from being a mess in almost every way. If people enjoyed it, while saying that it was more a guilty pleasure than a legitimately good film, good for them, but it just left a bad taste in my mouth and this is coming from somebody who really didn't try to take it too seriously and really wanted to be entertained, scared and shocked. The film failed badly on the first two and the saying that it left me shocked is not meant in a good way.

Will start with the little that was good. The opening titles were quite creative.

Greg Travis also has fun while overdoing so, and comes over as sinister enough.

Otherwise, the rest of the acting was really, really weak. Mel Gorham devouring the scenery to tiny pieces truly got on the nerves very fast. There is nothing interesting development-wise with the characters and almost all of them are incredibly annoying, especially Dolores. Profane is too generous summing up the utter trash that is the script, also want to make something clear right now. This reviewer is someone who appreciates comedy and tries to appreciate all types and all decades, the crude type is not my favourite kind of humour but there is no bias against it and it can be done well. The vulgarity just got really over the top and often not needed, to distasteful levels and never once was it remotely amusing, my sense of humour is just fine thank you very much but the humour here was not my cup of tea.

Also failing completely is the horror. No suspense, it's predictable, it looks cheap even for a film made on minimal budget, it has no creativity and most of it is gratuitous meaning popping up randomly and for no reason other than to pad the film out. The story is incredibly padded which makes the pace really plodding, and what little there is of it doesn't make any sense whatsoever (borderline incoherent) and too many scenes are completely superfluous and muddle what's going on. The less said about the insultingly nonsensical ending the better. The minimal budget is evident throughout and to amateurish effect, the photography made me nauseous. The direction was barely existent and the music belonged in another film entirely, it didn't gel at all, was too intrusive, too loud, too random and the only placement that didn't jar was on the opening credits.

In conclusion, despite a real effort to take it for what it was and what it was trying to do and be this didn't work at all. 2/10
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