Ne Plus Ultra of Film Adaptations of Shakespeare
10 November 2019
Three exceptional features of this interpretation of Shakespeare's the Tempest which can be seen in Prosperos Books are as follows :

(1) John Gielgud playing the part of Prospero relishes the language of Shakespeare's text. This is demonstrated at the outset with the repeated use of the word Boatswain.There are many other examples and these are often linked to the text being written down on paper by quill pen;

(2) The visual feast is truly spectacular. When Miranda and Ferdinand first meet against the background of a pastoral landscape that includes a cornfield and architectural features including a pyramid on a bright Summers day. What an exquisitely beautiful setting for a young couple to meet and fall in love.

(3) The music is sublime and so powerful . The singing of Juno, Ceres and Iris is exceptional. One tip I would make is to have the text of the songs from a book of the play to hand. This enhances appreciation of the music and words of the songs.

Thankfully this film can be seen on DVD. Sadly no English subtitles.
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