A Score to Rule Them All
28 November 2019
I am a huge fan of old spaghetti western films, and there is no one who does them better than the likes of Sergio Leone and Clint Eastwood. These two men despite have a language barrier were able to create several amazing westerns that have set the golden standard for macaroni westerns.

I want to start with Casting... Clint Eastwood is a bad ass, there simply is no denying it. He is the Badass cowboy that will steal your girl and in the same instant earn your respect, and I have nothing other to say than he was born to play the role of Blondie. Now he also had a great lineup of supporting actors who helped him gain such acclaim but they just don't hold a candle to Mrs. Eastwood.

There is also the plot which is a like a headphones cord that is so tangled that the audience is forced to watch as Sergio Leone slowly untangles each separate knot, giving the appearance of separate stories but inevitably straightening to reveal that it is intact a single line. Now it may not be a complicated nonlinear story with loads of flashbacks but Sergio Leone proves himself a true filmmaker by unraveling a story rather the simple telling the audience the events that take place.

Finally I want to touch on the score. This to me is where the movie really shines, because despite all the cowboy reality it is the score that connects the story together. Building tension with every whistle and drumlins, changing the simple shots into something meaningful. It is not an understatement when I say that this score is the single most iconic score of all time.

I am giving this movie a 9/10 because this to me is more than just cinema, it is emotions caught on 2.35:1. (My favorite cinematic aspect ratio)
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