People have insisted this was good...
1 December 2019
It was not. This is basic moviemaking at its worst. I think someone in their basement could have made this movie. It is very basic. It starts with a very questionable premise... that it is a disaster that the daughter of a CEO should do some cartwheels at an event to raise money for charity. She wasn't drunk, she wasn't, needlessly showing of racy underwear. But this puts her in hot water. To get her out of it her dad tasks her with going to a small town to deliver letters to this person that was 1/2 responsible for the business. Huh? Honestly I have no idea what this is about. To do this she must change her name so no one knows who she is and she must only do it on $100. This woman is apparently so daft she thinks the will have a flight attendant on a bus. When she arrives in the town the person she is there to see isn't there... so she must stay a few days. This is where things get weird for me. She runs into Jake Lacy who is... of course, the only male in the down under 40 and instantly this movie starts shipping them hard without a bit of chemistry. In fact Jake's character comes off a bit abusive because all he does the entire time is try to make her actions out to be a problem. Jake is everyplace like a creepy grumpy stalker. She screams in her room, he is there... she needs food, he is there to tell her they don't have room service. Every single person in town assumes they are dating though, she has only been there 1 day and has a fiancé. Jake talks down to her at every turn. You have met this guy in real life.. he is attracted to you but has to treat you bad so he can save his ego. Here, her being from New York (the place that ruined him) is a threat to his ego but Eliza Taylor is such a babe he wants to be with her anyway, though he doesn't like anything about her. When it all comes out that she has money everyone is mad at her. Blurg... really? Whoever wrote this really needs to seek therapy for their mixed up view of the world. But you don't have to watch fever dream.
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