Pimped (2018)
One of the dullest and least eventful films I've seen
14 December 2019
Two housemates decide to lure a woman into their home as part of a sick 'sex trap' game. The tables quickly turn on the lads though when they select Sarah Montrose (Ella Scott Lynch) a mentally unstable lady who takes exception to the lads sick game with murderous consequences...

With its insufferable, wretched and pompous dialogue through to its threadbare character studying and analysis of those with mental health issues Pimped becomes the sort of film you end up enduring more than anything else. Practically nothing happens for the first half of the film so if you do insist on watching it, but have things to do as well then utilise that time in the first half of the film as I guarantee you will miss nothing. Even when it does gain some momentum in the second half it's still pretty unremarkable and lacking in any kind of suspense; character deaths are particularly poorly orchestrated with laughably bad acting (honestly you have to see it to believe it).

With Sarah having mental health issues Pimped really could have been an excellent film had it delved a bit more in to Sarah's emotional psyche, but it never really does this in a particularly interesting or informative way. Compared to a film like Fight Club which used a similar idea this is laughable by comparison, but it does show that a film revolving its ideas around mental health can work when given the right treatment.

Looking at him on IMDB, Director David Barker is clearly inexperienced in this respective role and given what he's done with this film he should perhaps start looking at an alternative career as I cannot imagine him being the next Steven Spielberg or Martin Scorsese. The actors don't help the picture much and some of the acting is so bad that it's actually funny (as I said the death scenes are a personal favourite for sheer ineptness).

Pimped is a wretched film and even though it's only around 80 minutes in length for me that was still 80 minutes too long.
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