Starts out in very brutal fashion, then becomes kind of mundane...
18 December 2019
Watched this film as a kid and remember that I was disappointed by it being about fish people rather than Men Turned Inside Out! Then watched it again recently with my wife and was completely baffled by how awesome the opening was as people are killed in brutal fashion as heads are ripped off, there is a corpse that opens its eyes and all sorts of nasty stuff is happening. Apparently, this is added to the film for the American cut, which makes sense as the fish men the rest of the film are way less brutal in their attacks as that opening sequence. After this newly added section, the rest of the movie is a bit dull in places, though it has a pretty good ending.

The story has a group landing on an island and promptly getting killed, but never mind them as they are not important. The boat full of prisoners, on the other hand that wrecks upon the island is as the prisoners and the doctor upon the boat that sunk (they were on a lifeboat) soon start searching the island and have the worst luck ever as they encounter poisonous water, spear traps and strange monsters! Soon, the doctor and two others find a strange house and this is where the film slows down immensely as the doctor has many conversations with his host as something strange is going down!

Honestly, what is apparently, the part of the film Corman did was way better than the Italian film, though I did like when the prisoners first arrived at the island and the ending. Just so many boring moments in-between that. Barbara Bach just does not look as good as she did in The Spy Who Loved Me or that Caveman movie, but she is still attractive. I was hoping she would show more skin, but no such luck.

I find it a bit funny that it is usually the Italians that make films that are gorier and such, but here we are the ones who added the gore and horror. I was wondering why the film seemed almost pure horror and then switched to more of an action film that just happened to have monsters. It was not all bad, but I would prefer the tone that was set up by the beginning Corman did.
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