For those of us who were not brought up with a silver spoon we can relate to this version of Christmas spirit
25 December 2019
This film has had mixed reviews and I can understand why. There are far too many North American families who were born post 1970's who have never had to want for very much. Those reviewers who lived above a blue collar lifestyle with regular restaurant meals and three (3) or more cars in their double garages, would not understand the reality of a family facing hard times .

Actress Mary Steenburgen who plays a working mother named Ginny Grainger, who works at the local grocery store as a cashier is struggling financially to keep a roof over her children's heads and Christmas time is more of a nightmare experience than a dream filled with chocolates and plum pudding as some of these other reviewers may have experienced annually.

Ginny's angel named Gideon is played uncharacteristically by actor Harry Dean Stanton. Gideon interacts with the entire Grainger family and he explains to the children how his own circumstances while on earth led him to become an angel placed back on earth to bring the spirit of Christmas back to the Grainger family.

This may be a bit different story line mixing death, crime and financial stresses all wrapped up in a perfectly tied bow of love and emotion in the true spirit of Christmas.

It is well worth watching on your Christmas list and don't believe any of the naysayers if you are truly a believer in the Christmas spirit!!!!!

An 8 out of 10 rating on the Christmas calendar scale.
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