Confusing, even the movie doesn't understand itself
4 January 2020
This movie starts ok for the first 15 mionutes of so and is easy to follow and lets you think that it will be a good movie to watch but its like driving an electric car from New York to California, it just won't make it and doesn't just fall a little short of the distance but it's a long way off and one which i could not bear to watch again. The idea is poor too, i don't know what they wanted to accomplish with this movie but i am sure they didn't achieve it, the whole execution is so poor, its like making a cup of coffee and using salt instead of sugar and vinegar instead of milk, it's just a wholly bad idea, tastes crap and something you would not put yourself through again, Stay away from this movie, stay sane, stay healthy. I'm sure if Manson had the ability somehow, he would kill the people who made this movie also.
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