Faithful to the actuality of the story
4 February 2020
This is another superb animated feature from Cartoon Saloon (in co-production with Canadian and Luxembourgian production houses). It differs from their previous features in that it is an adaptation of a prominent, young adult novel rooted in contemporary, Taliban-era Afghanistan. What all three share is exceptional care taken in all aspects of production. Colour palettes are rich, animation is paced to suit narrative arcs, voice casting, sound design and music all propel the plot and enrich the visual style. In keeping with the subject matter, The Breadwinner is faithful to the everyday actuality described in the story; daylight can be harsh, the streets noisy and dusty, dialogue is sparse or often confrontational but this is juxtaposed with the considered portrayal of Parvana's family's interior life, their strong love for each other in desperate circumstances and the film still retains elements of pleasure, humour, storytelling and fantasy to punctuate and re-frame the impossible choices inflicted upon the characters. As is often the case with an adaptation from a book, I believe the plot has been somewhat simplified but (whilst not a reader of the book myself) I don't feel there is any loss to the momentum. The film's impact is still felt for some time after viewing and I fell that it's themes will (unfortunately) remain relevant for some time to come.
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