Review of Control

Control (2019 Video Game)
Solid Surreal Shooter.
6 February 2020
Control is another good hit for PlayStation. It provides lots of opportunities for exploration and has a nice volume of side missions in addition to the 15+ hour story. It has just enough gun varients and abilities to keep combat fresh, but I wouldn't say the game is highly replayable. I also think it would have been good to explore the levetation ability sooner than the final act. The story starts out and continues to be very cryptic for the majority of the game, however one can gather more information by gather notes and scattered everywhere. My 2 complaints with Control are firstly, that the story can be too confusing sometimes, as this fictional "Federal Buerau of Control" building is lacking context it it's world. It uses visual storytelling much more than dialogue and it sometimes suffers by not being specific enough with things. That said I do enjoy it's surrealist style overall. Second is it's very frustrating navigation thanks to a cruddy slapped on map and lack any precice waypoint system. In a building where many areas look similar it is easy to get lost and acctualy led me to a couple angry google searches. Such a silly oversight. No other problems with is this game though. The fact that I can say even this game is better than almost every Xbox exclusive is kinda sad....
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