Not For The Average Sci Fi Lover - Too Cerebral, Made You Think Too Much
12 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I read the many reviews in here which pulled down the rating on this movie to a 3.9 or thereabouts. I rated it a 7 because the story had HUGE potential, but somewhere along the way it went off the tracks. I loved the concept. Alien beings far ahead of humans in their technology, who use human fear and emotions to power their vessels. They have been taking humans for possibly a Millenia. They have the ability to manipulate the time/space continuum. During one culling of humans, so to speak, a pregnant woman gets caught in some sort of "spore" shower, which I assume after watching the whole movie was more of a nanite shower from the aliens. The government takes the baby to somehow use her to figure out these aliens and use her to defeat them.

That much is pretty clear in the movie. It was enough to make one fantastic movie, but either because of budget restraints, a bad producer or director or others who fought over the way the storyline should unfold, SOMETHING went wrong and what could have been brilliant, missed the mark by a small margin. It was far better than 90% of the sci fi movies and shows coming out today. So I admit, I was disappointed that it just didn't live up to the potential of this very cerebral sci fi story. Think Ray Bradbury and some of the original sci fi writers. This movie had the flavor of those great stories, but, as I keep saying, missed the mark in the end and overall. I should give this a 6 star rating, but I added a star for at least TRYING to make a better picture than most we see these days. I just really wish someone who had the original vision, could have not cut so much out of it and given it a FULL, satisfying movie it clearly, to me, had the potential to do.

Despite all that, I am glad I watched it. Disappointed, yes. But maybe the next one will hear us out here and give us something with more (as one reviewer said) backstory and a more satisfying overall story.
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