The Host (2020)
Boring start but watchable film.
19 February 2020
The Host, what I always wrong with this film is the name. The name "The Host" always makes me think of that film having the name written by Stephenie Meyer (novel). So, before I watch this film and before I read the plot, I thought this film is a remake of that film or something like that. But I was completely wrong. It's not a remake and the plot is a total different one.

The film started with a boring beginning. I was feeling very bored and sleepy when the film started. Even some minutes passed, it's not getting to the main point. So, I even thought of stop watching. But when I was about to stop, the main part came up and caught my attention. It was kind of interesting, so, I kept watching instead.

Throughout the film, I was feeling something's off. But I didn't know what it was. After the film finished and I ate my dinner. When I was washing my hands after my dinner, something hit me. What wrong with this film was the performances of actors and actresses. The acting of actors and actresses in this film is kind of not that good compared to the other films. Furthermore, the film gives me some feeling of it's made with a very low budget. So, yeah, the film is quite low in quality compared to the other famous films.

In conclusion, The Host is currently a normal film. The plot is kind of mysterious, and also, it's a bit disgusting at the same time. I'm glad that I didn't watch this film when I was eating. If I was, well, I might throw up if I see that particular scene. Anyway, it would be better if they could improve the acting and make it less boring somehow. Right now, it's kind of watchable, but for one time watch only.
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