Columbo: How to Dial a Murder (1978)
Season 7, Episode 4
"How to Dial a Murder" (1978)
19 February 2020
PLOT: A behavioral psychologist (Nicol Williamson) uses his trained Dobermans to get rid of the "ladies' man" who had an affair with his late wife. A young Kim Cattrall is on hand as a guest at his estate.

COMMENTARY: I like it when the murderer is able to see behind Columbo's dumb smiley detective act, which was done in the very first Columbo movie, "Prescription: Murder" (1968). And so it is here, not that this one's anywhere near as good, but it's entertaining enough, albeit marred by a "Yeah, right" gotcha sequence (e.g. the items in the pockets of the pool table). And since when is a detective allowed to just barge into a private abode anytime he wants?

Still, this is a solid obscure entry that ties into the 70's self-help craze and the film buff cult. Plus it's nice to see Kim when she was only 21 (during shooting).

The installment runs 1 hour, 11 minutes.

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