Giallo moral story
23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In case you thought So Sweet, So Dead wasn't an amazing title, this movie also has the alternate titles Rivelazioni di un Maniaco Sessuale al Capo Della Squadra Mobile (Revelations of a Sex Maniac to the Leader of the Mobile Team), The Slasher is a Sex Maniac and Penetration, which was used for a U.S. re-edit that also has x-rated scenes courtesy of Deep Throat's Harry Reems and Tina Russell.

Director Roberto Bianchi Montero bounced around from genre to genre, like the spaghetti westerns Seven Pistols for a Gringo and The Last Tomahawk to peblum (Tharus Son of Attila) and horror (The Island Monster, which starred Boris Karloff).

This movie has a great pedigree in spite of all that sleaze, as star Farley Granger appeared in two movies by Alfred Hitchcock: Rope and Strangers on a Train.

Someone is killing the rich and adulterous wives of Rome. First, he or she takes photos of them as they do some crab fishing in the Dead Sea - so to speak - and then he kills them. The images of their trysts are laid next to their bodies with the faces of the men scratched out. And Siskel and Ebert thought slashers were anti-woman! They would have lost their minds in 1972 Italy!

Sylva Koscina from Lisa and the Devil is in this, as is Annabella Incontrera (The Case of the Bloody Iris), Chris Avram (Enter the Devil), Femi Benussi (Hatchet for the Honeymoon), Krista Nell (The Bloodsucker Leads the Dance, another Italian horror film that was re-edited to feature adult scenes) and giallo queen Nieves Navarro, whose resume includes favorites like Death Walks on High Heels, All the Colors of the Dark and Death Walks at Midnight.

The rich society wives don't stop sleeping around - neither do their husbands but the killer wants nothing to do with punishing them -and even discuss the crimes while getting their nails done in the nude. Such is the world of So Sweet, So Dead. It's also a place filled with opulent homes, awesome fashions, squeaky horns, dance parties and a killer named the Avenger that completely was influenced by the look of the murderer in Blood and Black Lace.
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