Proof that Lucille Ball could have just stood there drooling for a half hour and folks would have loved it!
25 February 2020
The plot to "Lucy Gets Caught Up in the Draft" is so fundamentally stupid and nonsensical that it helps to prove that back in the day, Lucille Ball was so popular that she could have done ANYTHING and the public would have watched her show. That, and the writers of her 1960s show essentially were phoning it in here!

When the episode begins, Lucy receives an induction notice addressed to Lou C. Carmichael. Naturally a mistake has been made...they used this script! If such a thing were really to have occurred, Lucy should have just ignored the notice, but being a comedy show, Mr. Mooney convinces her to go down in person to explain the mistake...and they insist that she's been inducted. So, a middle-aged woman is being inducted into the Marines...that's really stretching. And, throughout the show, she keeps insisting they've made a mistake and the folks in charge admit it must be true but 'orders are orders'.

While times have changed, women have never been drafted into the US military. And, if they would, they would have picked someone who wasn't 55 years-old! An utterly ridiculous story that just isn't funny...despite the laugh track that insisted it was. Normally, I wouldn't review a show like this...but it was appallingly bad that I felt compelled and I doubt if I'll review any more Lucy shows.
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