Reckless (1935)
Reckless mishmash
27 February 2020
'Reckless' hardly was one of those films where one would think "it'll be a disaster from the get go". Actually anything with Jean Harlow and William Powell, often great individually but it was great to see them together in the same film, promises a lot. And then you have May Robson in a role that sounded like it would suit her and Victor Fleming proved that he had a lot of talent with masterpieces such as 'The Wizard of Oz' and 'Gone With the Wind'

Unfortunately, 'Reckless' is one of the few misfires for both Harlow and Powell, who deserved much better than the material they're given here but still make game efforts to make it work. Which was appreciated absolutely, but the efforts felt wasted. Every bit as unfortunately, it also shows that even Fleming was hardly immune from making duds. Hardly any director was exempt, even some of the best directors that ever lived had disappointments amongst their many very good to masterpiece films. Actually could not believe that it was the same director that had directed 'The Wizard of Oz' and 'Gone With the Wind' as brilliantly as he did.

Will start with 'Reckless' good things. It looks sumptuous and it looked as if a lot of effort went into the designs. Harlow is charming and sassy in all the right places and Powell is debonair in the way that only he could be.

Moreover, Robson is the only one to properly rise above her material and does a great job in a role that suits her to a tee. The film starts off quite nicely, with some mildly amusing moments and genuine charm.

It is such a shame that 'Reckless' goes downhill fast far too early and just like that. And not just never really recovering but getting worse all the time. Really did not care for the musical numbers at all, they were not only completely forgettable but completely pointless and overlong. Slowing the pace down to a halt whenever they happen, further disadvantaged by far too obvious and truly sloppy dubbing and the opposite-of-energetic way they were choreographed. You know there is something wrong when you have to double check who wrote them and then find that those responsible were immensely talented at it and very experienced.

Furthermore, the comedy mostly lacks spark and can feel really strained. Due to too many of the supporting cast trying too hard to make it work, meaning that Ted Healy comes over as irritating. The second half is a mess of contrivances and over-heated melodrama, with so many plot points and motivations where one struggles to comprehend so too little makes sense. Serious suspension of disbelief is needed and it is too much of an unfocused mishmash, where it is indicative that the film didn't know what it wanted to be. None of the characters are endearing or interesting, sadly that is including Harlow's, while Fleming's direction is disappointingly lifeless and the script at worst can be embarrassing. Then there is that really forced and mean-spirited ending that doesn't mesh with the rest of the film.

All in all, has moments but a misfire for all involved. 4/10
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