This movie is garbage
2 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
WTF is it with putting a dance piece intercut with the climax of the movie...? WHO does this? The director of this movie clearly doesn't know what the heck he's doing. He totally ruins the entire climax of the movie.

The whole movie leads up to the raid & rescue, why destroy this? Is it to NOT show the Israelis as heroes here...? I guess so, but then don't make the movie!

Or maybe they ran out of funds to shoot the last act. Because there is basically no action here. A few scenes, very haphazardly shot. Just ridiculous. If this director wants to direct more movies, he needs to frickin' learn how to tell a story.

The other major problem, is the attempt to humanize the terrorists. This is despicable, frankly. We get to know and learn about the terrorists, but not one single Israeli hostage. NOT ONE. This is storytelling malpractice. The only person we get to learn a little about, is one of the French pilots. But NOT ONE Israeli hostage. Are you effing kidding me?? Skip this movie, and see the one from 40+ years ago.
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