The Walking Dead: Morning Star (2020)
Season 10, Episode 11
The illogical window
8 March 2020
So there's a group of people who embrace the zombie world and have found a way to walk amongst them. They seek to embrace the loner life, don't talk much and are kind of a bit bonkers-nuts-psychopaths, like really mad yelling at cars on a street corner level nuts, BUT,...... they're also expert at warfare, well practiced, and expert archers, like they've been drilling for years like a well oiled regiment and graduated top of their class in syncronised swimming or something,

and they don't do guns, cos ambling zombies don't do guns, except they do do guns and have lots, and are well practiced at them too, even though they keep themselves silent and whispery, they have a silent shooting range probably.

And they developed cool water (petrol) balloon technology, and herding techniques cos they all used to be sheep farmers or something only they don't need trained dogs any more, they control zombie herds with their minds, or some such rubbish.

And last 2 weeks the whisperers numbers were scant, so much so that Daryl could get right up to alpha and have a little bit of quiet time with her, but this week, there are military lines of them,....... out numbered out gunned in a fortress.

But Daryl managed to get a couple of good nights sleep so his mortal wounds are all healed now although he was rolling round like a soccer player with a stubbed toe last week, he's fine now, same with Alpha,........ can't stress how important a good nights sleep is for dealing with serious battle field wounds, you don't know cos you weren't in Nam, or Iraq, you wouldn't understand,

But it's a10 out of 10 'Great (est??) Episode in this sease(o)n' and lots of people agree, just like last weeks head scratcher was "halloween vibes finally!!!, BEST EPISODE OF THE SEASON!, Creepy, The best episode of the season" , with a one line review and post,

Did you ever feel like you were being conned? cos it feels a lot like this.

Come on people (including you lazy paid shills turning in half ars-d smoke blowing reviews, although should we really expect much more from the team that delivered this rubbish?)

Do better work or step aside. you're messing up the side walk.
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