The Walking Dead: What We Become (2020)
Season 10, Episode 13
Michonne, Rick and their children are the heart of the show
22 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The farewell was emotional and really heartfelt - not spectacular, but it gave justice to the character of Michonne - and the scene that stood out to me was the last conversation between Michonne and Judith. It would have been easy for the writers to mess out the departure and the last discussion of Michonne, but they managed to deliver and brought tears in my eyes, especially when Judith tells her mom she has to go looking for Rick. The back and forth was well executed and this is a scene fans will remember. Michonne also got her closure, now knowing Alpha is out of the way, and it makes sense that she'd be in a relaxed state of mind to go.

At first, I didn't really like the episode or understand what was going on, but once I got to the halfway point of the episode I was astounded. I guess, in that sense, the episode was at the image of season 10. The first half, you're left wondering if this is something worth watching and when the second half kicks, the season/episode punches in like a hammer. The payoff is surprising and especially in this episode, I didn't see coming the brilliance of the hallucinations. Of course, I expected to see some cameos or visions, like in the episode What Comes After for Rick. But what was presented was absolutely awesome and done in a really clever way. I loved the callback to the episode Clear with the orange backpack, episode in which Michonne, Carl and Rick are actually three of the four protagonists. The integration of Negan and the saviors was a delight to the eyes and the episode really showed the consequence of your actions. Do you help someone or not (Andrea, the people at the end)? Do you kill or spare (Virgil)? As we all know, Michonne always showed mercy and her choice to let Virgil live shows a lot of her personality. It's crazy to think about the guy left out on the side of the road and interesting to see it via Michonne's eyes, exploring different paths of life. Michonne hitting herself with Lucille is a VERY powerful image.

One of my favorite shots only lasted like a second, but I was really looking for a scene at the prison, when everything began for Rick and Michonne. And that plan of Rick's face made it for me. I have to say that part was freaking amazing.

As Rick's purpose was to find his family, Michonne's was to learn to let herself trust people. Her journey is depicted, as she is first hesitant to help Andrea (and finally decides not to), going on in life as a lonely person. Finally, at the end, through growth, her journey came full circle and she accepted people in her life, helping them, moving forward.

The episode didn't feel to forced and the integration of Rick's items, such as the boot, flowed quite well. This is the fourth solid episode in a row (after Stalker, Morning Star and Walk With Us), thanks to the wonderful cast and crew. I'd give this one 9.4/10. Thank you Danai. We hope for the best for you and for your character !

Fun fact : the events of the episode Clear happen in the volume What We Become in the comics. I thought it was a cool easter egg and a fitting name for the episode.
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