Review of Society

Society (1989)
3 April 2020
This just did not work for me. It's like watching a somehow more obvious They Live, a more blatant The Thing, and less entertaining From Beyond. It's a mixed bag of not only other better movies but of tone. I don't much like when a movie gets gross but then adds in comical sound effects or one liners that don't fit the rest of the film. The film obviously knows how silly the ending gets but the build up to it isn't at all. Other then some corny dialogue and one liners, most of the film is treated pretty seriously. Which is why the goofy ending comes off wrong to me. It's unpleasant in all the ways you wouldn't want this to be. That is the most disappointing aspect. It goes pretty far but it also doesn't feel confident that it can pull off how far it goes. I also don't love this story. Somehow it feels both rushed and meandering. For the first hour it's just scene after scene of something weird happening and then that being covered up. That coupled with it rushing through these moments and you have a very boring/frustrating experience. There's so many scenes of the main character confronting people and then going somewhere else and doing it again. You never feel like he is learning or uncovering anything. Things just sort of happen until they do or don't anymore. There's also a fair amount of purposeless characters. His girlfriend who literally does nothing, or his friend who is just around when things happen so he can see things happen. Needless to say, it's weird, and not just in how crazy the ending is. The whole film has a vibe of cheapness and amateurish qualities. Which is why it's weird. Most of the makeup and prosthetics don't hold up at all, the editing is jarring/distracting, most of the performances are unconvincing until the ending, and the tone is just a jumbled mess. I didn't hate the movie but it takes a lot of things that I like and twists them a bit too far.
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