The best Donald Duck cartoon where Donald gets his way.
5 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this Donald Duck cartoon and I enjoyed it. Donald Duck is scolded by his strict boss who's annoyed at him and he warns him about insulting the hotel guests and give's him a badge with the motto. The Guest is always right which turns out to be a loophole in the job.

Donald Duck opens the limousine for Pete and Pete's bratty son Junior. The luggage is too heavy for Donald Duck and Junior causes trouble and gets Donald Duck to slip on a banana peel and Donald Duck breaks Pete's suitcase in half and has his uniform and hat ripped in half. But in the next shot Donald Duck someone gets a uniform replacement and takes both Pete and his son to the top floor. As Donald Duck walks out Junior gets Donald's uniform caught in the elevator door and it pulls his uniform right off of Donald and he's undressed wearing a hat and is embarrassed and tries very hard to bring the elevator door back up which he's successful at. He yells at Junior and realizes how stubborn Junior is and coaxes him to give him back his uniform and Junior tricks Donald and makes him fly down the elevator and it flattens his badge and Donald Duck gets revenge on Junior and vandalizes the elevator and asks his boss if he's fired and his boss let's him go from the job and Donald spanks Junior off screen and Donald laughs and gets his way.

I liked this Donald Duck cartoon. I liked how Donald Duck can't handle heavy luggage. It was sad to see Pete rip Donald's uniform and hat in half. I liked how undressed Donald Duck was and how he won the fight with Junior. This cartoon short was well done and I'm glad the Disney company made this cartoon short.

This cartoon should've won an Annie Award for best cartoon short. Best character Donald Duck. I wish this cartoon was on Disney+ because this cartoon is a Disney+.
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