Review of Code of Honor

S1E3 - Code of Honor
6 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Star Trek TNG S1E3 Discussion

S1E3 - Code of Honor

Overall, I thought this was a pretty weak episode. Lutan was so obviously a bad guy and the Star Fleet crew just came across as weak the whole time. My commentary below.

So their first mistake was letting Yar go to the matrix room alone. Like yeah they all agreed she could go but I don't remember them saying it had to be only her. And oh look, she got taken. Surprise.

Weird that Wesley got a spot on the deck. Riker called it temporary, but we'll see. Wanted him to earn it longer.

Wow this fight to the death is straight out of Black Panther. I'm assuming the comics are older? Not sure.

Oh and the fight is professional tag to the death. Gotta be some inspiration there. Lol

I was really intrigued by Picard's rant about what happened to Earth! But then he cut it off in a nod to old fans saying "everyone knows that story". Will I learn this story from the show or should I look up other source material??

Also Geordi trying to run out of the room because he's heard 661 of Data's jokes and can't take another was fantastic.
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