Beyond ridiculous
8 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
1. Fish tank right at the bottom of a staircase 2. Local police flying across the country for a case. 3. Magically two very "inconspicious" cars follow a murderer for hours, to a cabin in the middle of no where, then somehow they follow him again to a nightclub, and then back to the same cabin after he has picked up a girl from said nightclub, yet the murderer has no idea he is being followed. 4. Instead of confronting him in the nightclub where he could be easily restrained, they wait and follow him back to a cabin in the middle of no where, with a potential hotsage in the cabin with him, and approach in darkness with guns, leading to a shootout/dramatic getaway. 5. Ashley Judd's character is found in a river after she escapes that is within a few miles of a gigantic former plantation which is the killer's hideout, yet nobody can find it until the main characters find it at the end of the movie.

I could go on, but I won't, because it's not worth it.

Hot garbage, maybe you'll find this movie interesting if you have dain bramage or are 10 years old.
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