Endgame: The textbook definition of payoff
10 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have been following the MCU since 2008 when I was 9 years old. I still remember the first time I watched the trailer for the first Iron Man movie starring Robert Downey Jr. and I BEGGED to my knees to my parents to go see it. After I left the theater with my dad I just remember never shutting up about it. I just adored it. 9-year-old me didn't know that Iron Man was just the beginning of something bigger that was to come.

Over the last 11 years, we saw the release of 22 movies (Excluding Far From Home even though it is technically the last movie of this phase). 22 Marvel movies consisting of origin stories, trilogy's, crossovers, and more. Over hundreds of actors in a brilliant family-woven cast. Thousands of crew members and over 1000 minutes of screen time over the course of all the movies. Breaking box-office records everywhere. Each one told a new story that was unique, new, and fun. Even though there were a few misses here and there, you could always feel like the story was building to something new. Kevin Feige and the Russo brothers knew how much this 11 year journey was to people like me, and it really showed in this film.

First, I'll get my negatives out first, because all MCU movies have some negatives. Some have more than others. I really despised what they did with Hulk and Thor. 'Fat-Thor' was funny at first, but then he became really insufferable to watch. Hulk was bizzare and they really didn't do right by his character. The Hulk I saw in 'The Avengers' wasn't here, and this interwoven Banner/Hulk didn't do it for me. I'd say the time travel plan sounded dumb at first, but Tony and Steve's time travel scenes were great to watch because it was nice seeing them revisit earlier established scenes. I think that Natasha's death was beautiful, but no funeral? She is one of the most deserving members of the team and deserves that honor. Also, I'm disappointed that they didn't really tie up Steve and Bucky's relationship. I don't have a problem with Steve going back to the past, living his life with Peggy, and giving his shield to Sam. But, they could've concluded Steve and Bucky's friendship arc way better, cause after all those two have been through together, you'd think we'd have a nice scene between them. Also, there were moments of complete and utter cringe in this movie. Like please, don't drag fortnite into this. That all woman shot in the final battle was very forced and cringy to watch. No problem with feminism in film or TV, but it shouldn't be too forced. And that is what it was. Rhodey was kinda awkwards and out of place in this movie. So was Captain Marvel. But that's it for the complaints.

Alan Silvestri and his scores man. Music was spot on all the way throughout. I will never forget the iconic Avengers theme and the way it was incorporated was just...can someone give him an Oscar? Please.

I'm gonna keep some of the scenes as my wallpaper because the cinematography was absolutely gorgeous. The most pleasing effect and settings I've seen in my life.

Fan service is so much more satisfying to watch. For all the people who say fan service is a bad thing- In this context, it's amazing.

Hilarious moments like 'America's a--" (Thank god for Paul Rudd) and the Captain America "Hail Hydra" moment in the elevator (Russo's literally waved a middle finger to the comics, and it was beautiful and funny). Strangling baby Thanos. Ha! And the odd test aging of Scott Lang was great. Comedy was on point.

Then came the satisfying parts. I love Natasha Romanoff so much. She is one of the best female characters in the MCU next to Scarlet Witch. So watching her sacrifice herself was very fulfilling to everything she has been built up to be. She sacrificed herself for the Avengers, which she considers family. That was the best way she could've possibly gone. Bummer she wasn't in the final fight, but it felt right. The fight between the Avengers trinity (Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America) and Thanos was divine. These 3 fighting off a mad titan like Thanos together was worth it. Seeing Cap wield Mjolnir was just satisfying to the T. Always knew he was worthy, this movie cemented it. Look, I waited a full decade to watch all of these stories, characters, and plot intertwine into one moment that I will never ever let go of. The moment all of our dusted heroes return, and Captain America with his shield and Mjolnir saying, "Avengers......Assemble." I just, I couldn't take it. I literally got out of my seat in the theater like everyone else and cheered my a-- off while holding off the tears. This movie was like a reward. A reward for the decade long investment. I am not ashamed to say I left the theater nearly weeping like a baby when Tony Stark died. This man literally started everything. He kickstarted this universe to the top. I hate to be that person, but Marvel has now definitivly crushed DC. Tony was one of my favorites, so watching him die felt like watching a part of me dying as well. It even hurt worse because the second they introduced his adorable daughter, I just knew in my heart that something bad happens to Tony. 10/10 best way to end his arc. Sacrificing himself for the good of humanity.

That funeral scene was expertly shot, and whoever held the camera there deserves an award. And then, finally giving Cap the chance to have that dance with Peggy made me so happy. You don't know how much I wanted Cap and Peggy to have a reunion so they can finally have that dance that Cap promised her way back in his first movie. That was the best way you could've ended it.

Even the end credits was nothing short of a masterpiece.

I started nearly bawling when the original 6 avengers started signing off one by one in the credits. I am genuinely proud of this cast. All of them have risen to better things, and lord. When RDJ signed off, that was it for me and my theater. A standing ovation and the screen went black.

This era of MCU movies is over. That 9 year old me is grateful to have been able to have experienced this journey. This incredible journey. I am looking forward to the future, but it won't feel the same without Iron Man and Captain America. But it's time for the new age of Avengers.

To the cast and crew- I love you 3000!

Final rating- 9.1/10
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