Doom Eternal (2020 Video Game)
Herd Mentality- Don't believe the hype...
27 April 2020
Before you read this review , please note that I played the game on PS4.

I was really excited to get my hands on this title. I played all originals in my youth and the 2016 Doom. I really enjoyed all the previous versions. From the reviews one could assume that this is a more polished version, that the makers listened to the fans. What you actually get is a rushed product that spoils the game and leaves you disappointed if not upset. After all, this is not just any game...

I was not expecting much from the story so was fine with the plot. Minute cosmetic changes to graphics and weapon modification would be liked by some and disliked by others but they do not change the gameplay significantly, compared to the previous title. The shoulder cannon, borrowed from Predator franchise, does its job. The demon slayer is now jumping and climbing a lot more, turning into a squirrel, hopping from one column onto another in a rather similar fashion. I found it rather comical but not to the point that would spoil the enjoyment of butchering all evil.

What became a very apparent let down was the glitching. You will often find your character falling into lava and then through it... The opponents will fall or get trapped in walls or doorways, shaking and juddering. I ignored it once, twice and then realised that this game was probably not ready for release. You will find overlapping textures and rocks with perfect, polished angles as you look for secrets in far corners of each map. Sadly, these are not the only let downs...

I started the game on 'hurt me plenty', being realistic about my skills, and had to change it to 'I don't want to die' during the last fight of the first level as it was simply impossible to get through. I found this spike in difficulty followed by a very easy chapter two, where I switched the difficulty up and then some, even before I upgraded my character. Such uneven difficulty progression, as you shoot your way through the game, is another evidence of neglect in order to cash on the success of the previous title. And the soundtrack is just awful, imagine Trent Reznor giving his keyboard to a toddler- you get the idea... All in all, the game is playable. I would probably put up with all the shortfalls if I spent half the money on some less known title but this is Doom. You should not do this to Doom.
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