Review of Suits

Suits (2011–2019)
Great show that went too long.
28 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished season 8. Now, I am reflecting on the show that I have spent the last couple of months watching. Season 1 was brilliant, lightning in a bottle. The cast, dialogue, and pace were excellent. The courtroom drama was interesting and Mike's supernatural abilities were reminiscent of rainman minus the social awkwardness; I was hook and couldn't wait for more. Season 2 brought some gravitas with the entrance of Daniel Hardman and put some real stakes in the matter. I enjoyed seeing Jessica and Hardman duke it out.

Unfortunately, season 3 and the arrival of the British firm really started the decline of the show in my opinion. After this, I felt like the show repeated the same formula over and over: Firm or career threatening incident presents itself, characters bickering about it, and hasty resolution with minimal explanation. That along with the Donna drama became very tiresome.

Although it was initially charming for Donna to finish people's sentences and "know everything," it got old fast and she quickly became one of my least favorite characters. Season 8 was nauseatingly full of Donna being a know it all. The exit of one of my favorite characters, Jessica Pearson was a tough pill to swallow as I felt that she carried a lot of the weight of the show. Furthermore, the neutering of Mike's character was another tough pill to swallow. Not only did his supernatural memory ability seem to fade into the background, he just became a boring character. The drama with Trevor faded too quickly and he kind of devolved into a smarmy jerk.

I should be rating this show lower as it declined after season 2, but there were some great moments peppered throughout the series that kept me interested enough. I was surprised to look ahead and see that there is a season 9. I think I would watch it out of sheer curiosity, but I don't know that I'd expect anything different.

All in all, the first two seasons are worth a watch, but seasons 3-8 are anti climactic and don't carry the same weight as the first two.
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