Actually not too bad.
10 May 2020
I was singlehandedly avoiding this show for a long time because the ads would pop up everywhere for Apple TV, and I knew it was a semi-marketing ploy for me to cave in and get Apple TV. But after weeks on end of seeing these ads, and having run dry of TV shows to binge on Netflix and Hulu, and just being bored during my self-quarantine, I finally caved into subscribing to Apple TV to watch this specific show.

And honestly, not a bad show. It's actually pretty decent. Decent being that the acting is really good. Evans, Dockery, and Martell all shine well in their roles. They actually make believe for a real family. And I'll say it again, seeing Evans in a role that isn't Captain America is really refreshing. He has great on screen chemistry with Michelle Dockery. Make a believable couple. I like Jaeden Martell. I've been seeing him in a lot of stuff lately, and he's really going far with his acting. Good on him!

The best thing about this show is the cinematography. This show is beautifully shot. I kid you not, its like the best shot thing I've watched. And now I'm wondering if this is just Apple using their new iPhone 11's to shoot this show because of it's camera quality. Bur it's pretty great.

The story, the plot is not too bad. I actually like the concept of this story a lot. Its very intriguing to say the least. But I do find some of the writing in some parts to be really strange. Like kinda cringe inducing. But it's still some good writing bits in there I enjoy.

Other than that, I find this show pretty polished, well made, well acted and conceptualize. Is it the best thing I've watched? Probably not. But it's a really good mini series and I'd recommend it a lot for those looking for a new show to get through
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