Doom Eternal (2020 Video Game)
Slaying Demons at Breakneck Speed
11 May 2020
This game. This was the one I was most excited for this year. And it did not disappoint. It has become my favorite FPS, and one of my top 5 video games ever. Doom 2016 was already an amazing title that never got old, with an action packed and brutal campaign and a decent multiplayer component. Now, everything is back and cranked up to 11!

The campaign is nice and meaty, longer than the previous game despite having the same number of chapters (13). There is so much more to explore and everything you collect has merit. Get all the cheat codes, you unlock classic Doom on a computer in your awesome Fortress of Doom. Get all the Praetor suit tokens, you unlock the final cheat code. Clear all the Slayer Gates, and you unlock something that will take you back to Doom 64. The amount of fan service in this gane is astounding, something vastly refreshing these days.

How about the main game, as in combat? Superb. There a couple flaws, however. The purple sludge that you sometimes walk on, which slows you down quite a bit, can ruin the flow of combat. The punch without the Blood Punch filled up does close to zero damage, which can be a problem if you're swarmed by enemies. In the previous game, you can defeat some enemies with punches alone. And finally, using the chainsaw by pressing one button in front of an enemy can be a nuisance if it's not right on the spot. I preferred how in the previous game, you press one button to pull out the chainsaw, and then the attack control to saw the enemy. Besides, it also shows you how much fuel is remaining. But on the flip side, Eternal improves on the chainsaw by recharging the last fuel can indefinitely, meaning you can always use it on weaker demons and have an endless supply of ammo.

The rest of the changes enhance the experience apart from Doom 2016. The dash is a welcome change. No longer having the unnecessary crouch, the dash now allows for traversing the area quicker, dodge deadly attacks, and rushing for an execution. No more missing glory kills. Which, by the way, are even better and more brutal with the Doomblade on the left arm, making demon sushi to go. Getting armor on the spot by burning enemies is one of the best changes as well. Gone are the days where you only have your health to live off of, as there was no way to replenish your armor without pickups. And for the weapons, they are the same weapons as the last game (minus the pistol), but they got quite the upgrade with better mods to wreak more havoc. And there are more demon types to to test your arsenal, including the new bosses. What changed is that you no longer shoot enemies until they die. You can, but there are strategies involved now with targeting weak points and exploiting certain move sets (Marauder). While I miss having only solo bosses back in the previous, I still felt the bosses were awesome and challenging, and the final boss is probably my favorite boss of this generation of gaming.

Battlemode, the new multiplayer mode, is in my opinion the best mode id Software has created. While it has it's flaws, it focuses more on what Doom is about. A 2v1 mode between the Slayer and two player-controlled demons is quite the chaos. And it is hard as hell to learn, needing lots of strategy for the demons, and skill for the Slayer. A couple things I would like to change, however, would be for the demons to have limited respawns, as having to kill both players within 22 seconds can be frustrating, and I feel the player demons can use a damage buff while having there frequency of summoning other demons be reduced, so that the battles can be more focused for the players. As of now, it leans more towards PvE. And I hope other modes will be added (besides Invasion) so that this mode does not get stale. I would hate for this mode to die out because I still think it is great.

Overall, Doom Eternal has set a new standard for FPS games. It is how a sequel is properly made, and I loved every minute of it. It is clear that id Software made this for the fans, to enjoy adrenaline-pumping gameplay while listening to Mick Gordon's master-class heavy metal. I cannot recommend this game enough to fans of the FPS genres, especially with this game dating back to FPS origins. An easy 10/10 for me.
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