Berenger is great.
17 May 2020
Tom Berenger really does a good job of an old, slow dying man who limps his way through his final few days.

As for the movie... if this had been a 'Nordic' film with a Nordic cast this would probably have been better received... as it is, it's an American film, so the jury haven't been so kind.

It's a film of two halves and the first half is brilliant. A great sense of atmosphere and the cold, FREEZING outdoors! The direction jumps around quickly to set up the location and the characters.

The second half turns into a routine slugfest between the good guy (Tom) and some silly men who are after some stolen money. It's a wonder how they pulled off this heist at all, given that they are all stupid and all prone to make stupid decisions!

I saw it through to the end because it started off so well, and I like Tom... but by the end I was a bit annoyed.
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