Ouija Shark (2020)
Terrible, just terrible...
28 May 2020
Sure, with a title such a "Ouija Shark", I must confess that I didn't haven any expectations for this 2020 movie from writer David A. Lloyd and director Brett Kelly. However, the movie could just happen to have been so bad that it would be an enjoyable movie, as sometimes that turns out to be the case with these super low budget creature features.

But as it turned out, "Ouija Shark" was a bad movie, in fact it was a terrible movie. But unfortunately it wasn't one of those movies where it was so bad that it was actually tragically fun and enjoyable to watch. No, "Ouija Shark" was just plain and downright horrible.

The acting in this 2020 movie was as to be expected, so don't get your hopes up for any award-winning performances. You know what you get here even before the movie starts. Yeah, it was that kind of movie.

The special effects in "Ouija Shark" were atrocious, and it was also the main reason why the movie failed. I mean, if they had just opted for a proper shark effect, one that actually looked like a living, moving and animated shark instead of a horrible toy replica, the movie would have fared so much better. Special effects are essential for a movie such as this, and the CGI and effects team just botched it terribly.

I am rating "Ouija Shark" a mere one out of ten stars, and it is definitely in the top 10 of worst movies I have had the misfortune of suffering through. It is a terrible movie, so take heed and don't waste your time, money or effort on it.
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