Review of Point Blank

Point Blank (1998)
Rubbish. Plain and simple rubbish.
8 June 2020
It's complete and utter rubbish.

Not any good? No. Well, Mickey Rourke does look tough and a few other supporting actors arent bad either, but....come on, this is below B-movie levels, this is beyond laughably bad, it's it's it's TERRiBLE RUBBISH

The bad: the direction is rubbish. This movie is below the quality of any cheap action tv movie. One cliche after another. I tried, I really tried, but there is a limit to the amount of rubbish I can bear to see...

The "story": Mickey Rourke (hitman) infiltrates into an out of control prison to rescue his brother (LOL). Basically it's "Die Hard in a Prison", only without the jokes, without any suspense, without any good acting etc...
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