Started strong, but I almost died
10 June 2020
My friend (P) and I were really looking forward to this film. The beginning was great, I liked how they let the website's digital marketing team handle the whole script... what other movie incorporates the phrase "direct response" into the plot? Brilliant.

Everything was going great - until I discovered (the hard way) that our dealer had sold me 9 baby aspirin and one identical tablet of pure fentynal. Within moments of slamming it, I knew we were gonna have to pause the movie!

What followed can only be described as a mad dash through Beverly Hills, trying to obtain the naltrexone needed to prevent me from going straight to heaven without learning what happens with Lacy Chabert's character. Would she finally accept Jesus as her Lord and savior, or revert to her repugnant secular lifestyle?

I was fading fast in the car, but P put on TSwizzle's "Shake it Off" and turned the volume up to 11, which def kept me from slipping into the void. So when we found an e-doctor willing to push a scrip for naltrexone to the only 24 hour drugstore in West LA, I was still conscious enough to observe him stop to buy a few scratch-off tickets after paying for the miracle nasal spray. (No harm no foul, cuz I did say to get some gummi bears too.) Yada, yada, yada, we left Rite Aid with one squirt bottle of prescription buzzkill, 10 scratchers - and only like 6 gummi bears. Srsly, I didnt know Haribo sold such small quantities. What is this, Halloween for ants??

Anyways, we got back to the crib where I finally figured out how to talk and read and pee again, but the movie was pretty much over by then.

So, 10 stars for a solid beginning and stellar facial emoting from Ms. Chabert. Minus 4 stars for the accidental overdose, minus 3 cuz none of the scratchers paid out, and minus one star cuz I would've liked a few more gummi bears.
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