Gemini Man (2019)
Tired of reading reviews written by GOT season 8 haters
25 June 2020
First off, yes, I agree GOT season 8 sucked. Badly. You can blame it all one one guy or not, but frankly if all of you hate the guy so much why watch this movie? Or did you, actually? Seems more like all the DB haters are just here to pile on more hate and frankly I quit reading any review that mentions him.

Two, you haters are all jaded pieces of crap that have forgotten the joy of just watching a movie for special effects I mean why else would anyone watch Star Wars or its ilk. This movie is amazing just for the realistic younger version of Will..

True that it is never going to win any awards for movie script/plot or acting, but just think how far special effects have come. Blows my mind almost as much as Avatar did - just because we can make something like it. Perhaps it's because I was brought up in a world where Gilligan's Island was not reruns, but I think it's pretty sad that my 60 year old self is less jaded than you 20-30 somethings..

So my review is this, it was an enjoyable, but typical action movie long on action, short on plot. When are they not? But it is a movie that should be watched and appreciated for what is great about it. A decade ago no one could have made this and even if it isn't perfect, keeping in mind the reality that there is no young Will Smith, but effects played over another actor, I think it was a great watch. T

Take a chill pill and enjoy the movie. If you want to watch Les Miz, then go. This isn't that and I've never seen an action movie that was. They are all just like this..

Then again, I'll always have soft spot for the loveable Fresh Prince. .
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