Modern Family: Stuck in a Moment (2018)
Season 10, Episode 10
That End Though
17 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode may not be as great or memorable as the other ones are, (the Cam and Mitch storyline a bit obnoxious although I always support and want more Lily exposure) but the last part really makes me cry. When Haley finally tells everyone that she's pregnant it's really heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time because got really quiet like everyone was waiting for Claire and Phil's reactions first before reacting (as a respect). Then they take a picture all together and the camera pans to Phil and Claire. Claire asks Phil is its gonna be alright and Phil assures her but their faces have this expression that shows how terrified and shocked they are. I don't have kids and don't actually feel how it feels to know my child is pregnant and not yet settled but this scene is the closest to how I'll probably feel, or how everyone does. What also makes me cry is the thought that they could have gone with it another way. Phil or most likely Claire, could have gone really mad but she didn't and they try to seem happy about it, which for me makes things more painful.

And to anyone who doesn't like that Haley ends up with Dylan, sorry I can't sympathize with you.

Andy's the best bet for her but he would just have been another Phil.

I love this show.
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