Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Empty Places (2003)
Season 7, Episode 19
27 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Buffy Summers: (to Faith) Don't be afraid to lead them. Whether you wanted it or not, their lives are yours. It's only gonna get harder. Protect them. But lead them.

The writing of this episode is just awful, and everyone acts out of character - except bizarrely Faith.

Giles is bitter because of the events from Lies My Parents Told Me, and is taking it out on Buffy.

Xander and Willow - I can at least understand, they're hurt and worried because of what happened to Xander.

Kennedy as always is a waste of space, and Rona is angry because she's scared.

Dawn, however is the biggest betrayal. She kicks Buffy out of her own home. After 7 years of sacrifice, Buffy's friends all betray her and take her out of the equation.

Anya has never liked Buffy, and she did try to kill her earlier in the season - so I can understand why she was pissed...

I just. Can't. With this episode. It's only saving grace was Spike and Andrew.
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