The Sopranos: Irregular Around the Margins (2004)
Season 5, Episode 5
The Nadir of a Depressing, Confused Series 5
4 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had me cringing - every element of the story was rushed, like Tony having cancer seemingly just to make a conversation piece for his sudden bond with his nephew's fiance. In previous seasons this would have been handled much more expertly, in this season everything seems to be being shoved into the grinder at once to make the most AMAZING episode EVER.

Suddenly Tony does coke. Suddenly everyone is disloyal and spreading rumours behind Tony and Chris's backs like children. Suddenly the therapy sessions become unga-bunga caveman stuff, literally insulting the viewer's intelligence:

"Oh, you did not sex woman? Good!" "Yes, I mature. I strong to avoid temptation of flesh!" "But no, you are wise man, better to not sex woman, not have to be strong, but always wise elder for young to look up to" "This is good idea, I will avert disaster because of this".

If the series hadn't been so nuanced and well crafted before this utter dross, I don't think I'd have been so utterly disappointed.
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