Review of Peopletoys

Peopletoys (1974)
Look what you did to my beautiful face!
16 August 2020
After surviving a fatal crash in the snowy wilderness, a gang of kids take shelter in a lodge where a wealthy tyrant is hosting a family get together. But the kids are about to take a lot more ...

A public information film about the dangers of wearing a seatbelt ... OMG! It somehow morphs into a sexploitation slasher with young kids. Actually, this is a terrible movie that pulls its punches, and seems to have gone into production without a real screenplay or any idea about direction or plain story telling.

The characters are simplistic or incoherent, the acting awkward. The music switches from Streets Of San Francisco to elevator tweeness to playful synth to ironic military tattoos. No attempt is made to create atmosphere with the lighting, and it's often unclear whether a scene is day or night, or how much time is passing. The editing is chaotic.

The killing scenes are inept: either confusing or drained of energy by slo-mo - although the piranhas in the bath are unusual. The first killing seems to involve a different actor playing the victim, and the second uses some unexplained device. Also there's an extended three-way soft porn catfight. For no reason and to no purpose.

The only real interest comes from the nun and the boy in the wig, who both inject some weird into this project. In the end, even the director seems to get the hang of it, with the image of a guy turned into a snowman, a funny sequence where another guy gets snapped up by multiple bear traps, like Sideshow Bob stepping on rakes, and the final scene (The Beginning), which bears a touch of Chainsaw. So I mark it up a couple of points for that.

Overall: Starts with a car crash and keeps on crashing.
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