Reviews don't do it justice
23 August 2020

Yes, this is a mid-low budget film. Yes, not many people have heard of it. Yes, it doesn't have huge named actors in it.

But...... The storyline and acting in this is actually really good. If I'm honest, I was unsure on both fronts to begin with, but as the film got further along, you could see the talent on show.

As for the storyline, I don't like to give away any spoilers, but it does start very quickly and you'll be wondering what exactly is happening. Things do develop and then explain themselves in time. It has genuinely creepy moments and moments of horror with a decent storyline to go with it.

I would've rated this more but there are aspects to the film that let it down, like the lack of background on why what happens actually happens. Scenes jumping quickly from one to the next without any middle ground is another reason.

Regardless, this film isn't less than a 4/10 which it's currently rated at, if you like horror and are open minded, it's definitely a solid 6.
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